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Safe and highly effective weight loss medication suitable for individuals with cardiovascular risks.  Initially designed for diabetes, it is now FDA-approved for weight loss.


The medication can be shipped directly to you! 


What is Semaglutide

How does Semaglutide help with weight loss (1:04)

What are the side effects associated with Semaglutide (2:00)

How this medication will keep the weight off long term (2:52)

How much does semaglutide cost (Scroll down to see table)

How the weight loss program with semaglutide works in our clinic (4:14)

How to schedule a consultation with a Licensed Provider to discuss semaglutide

(Click the button above)


40 Minute Video Visit with Provider

It is important to us that our patients are comfortable throughout this entire program. We spend time discussing expectations, goals and concerns with each of our clients. Then, together we create a plan that fits YOU. 

Weekly Tailored Dosing

We understand that each person's body is different which may result in each person responding differently to medications. We do not use a general dosing schedule as we found this does not always yield the best results, instead we talk to you on a weekly basis about your experience then dose appropriately to maximize results while minimizing side effects. 

24 Hour Messaging

We know you are busy and sometimes it is easier to pick up the phone , type out a quick text and send, so thats what we do. Full access to your provider via chat. 

Direct Shipping

Some clinics perform the consultation then leave the pharmacy ordering to you which can be a nightmare communicating between both the pharmacy and the office. We manage all shipments of medication for you, so you can keep your peace of mind during your busy schedule. 



  • What is semaglutide?
    Semaglutide (The Weight Loss Peptide) injection is a treatment for obesity. It’s proven highly effective in clinical trials. It is administered through an injection (generally in the thigh) and is taken once per week. In order to take semaglutide, you’ll need to plan on weekly trips to your healthcare provider or be comfortable giving yourself injections. Patients on semaglutide have reported losing as much as 80lbs, with clinical trials showing patients losing an average of 12.4% of their body weight over 68 weeks. Patients must start semaglutide with a lower dose and gradually increase the dosage over 16-20 weeks in order to reduce the gastrointestinal side effects. There are significant benefits with this game changer medication.
  • What is the difference between Semaglutide, Wegovy and Ozempic?
    When discussing medications, there is usually a generic name and a Brand name. In this case: Semaglutide- is the generic name Ozempic- is a Brand name Wegovy- is a Brand name All of the medications are essentially the same.
  • How does taking Semaglutide work for weight loss?
    By mimicking the naturally occurring peptide hormone known as GLP-1, Semaglutide produces weight loss by stimulating insulin release and effectively reducing appetite. 1. Stimulating insulin release results in better stabilization in blood sugars which is an essential part of weight loss 2. Semaglutide not only reduces appetite but increases the satisfaction after eating. Even if you do not have a full stomach, the medication acts on the receptors in the stomach and the brain that are responsible for satiety (satisfaction after eating). The Semaglutide Weight Loss Program works best with a low carb diet. A thorough discussion of dietary recommendations will be discussed with you by our providers.
  • Who cannot take Semaglutide?
    Although Semaglutide is a safe therapy approved by the FDA for weight loss, it is not safe if you have any of the following: diabetic retinopathy (eye damage resulting from diabetes) impaired kidney function thyroid cancer family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma kidney disease (/w likely reduction in kidney function) pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) low blood sugar multiple endocrine neoplasia (type 2)
  • How is the medication administered?
    This medication is given subcutaneously. That means it is administered in the "fatty" areas of our body: abdomen, arms, thighs. using a tiny insulin needle (you will hardly feel it).
  • How often is the medication administered?
    Once Weekly
  • Does Semaglutide need to be refrigerated?
    Yes, however most vials can be refrigerated for a specific time frame determined by the pharmacy.
  • How long will I need to take the medication?
    There are no strict protocols to determine how long you should take this medication. In the clinical trial, the patients took the medication for 52-68 weeks. Our recommendation is to continue the medication until you reach your goal weight.
  • How does Semagltuide Work-The Science
    If you want to take a deep dive into the clinical trial that led to the FDA approving Semaglutide as the first weight loss drug in 15 years, you can find it here. But we thought you may also want to read a quick summary: The trial lasted about 16 months The mean change in body weight from baseline to week 68 (16 months) was −14.9% in the semaglutide group as compared with −2.4% with placebo The change in body weight from baseline to week 68 was −15.3 kg (33.6 lbs) in the semaglutide group as compared with −2.6 kg (5.72 lbs) in the placebo group Some participants dropped out of the trial due to nausea and diarrhea, but most determined the side effects were mild and easily managed. (Our providers have noticed these side effects are significantly reduced when the medication is titrated slowly). Another article titled Semaglutide for Weight Loss discovered that in addition to weight loss as discussed above, 40-50% of trial participants reported an improved quality of life.
  • Where can I buy semaglutide?
    We are happy to help! Schedule your Weight Loss Visit virtually with the provider. (CTA) The visit will include a comprehensive evaluation with measurements, Baseline Lab Work*, dietary and exercise recommendations, and access to the private patient-provider portal for messaging. Medication will be mailed directly to your home with needles included.
  • Who can prescribe Semaglutide?
    Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants
  • Is Semaglutide covered by Insurance?
    Generally speaking, it is not. However, some plans/policies may cover weight loss medications and therefore possibly cover semaglutide. For others, you may work with a provider who will send a letter to your insurance company on your behalf to attempt approval. Realistically, insurance companies are typically about 4 years behind in approving new drugs. At Health Wave Connect, we do not accept insurance.


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